
Help Now EAP is a n Australasia Peak Body EAP Provider

First Licensed SEA Corporate Health Service In Australia

Priority is Australian business first with keeping it local to name a few: Annature, PPMP, Accross Business, MIEACT, Open Systems Australia and more

We are about sustainable mental health programming and not reactive service delivery Our company’s track record is actively pursuing Sustainable Development Goals: promote and advance social, environmental, and business sustainability, encourage a caring and ethical approach in social and economic activity, support Australian values in, and about, the Australian community and Australian
business, and engage in activities related.

Mental Health Productivity Commission 2019

National Mental Health Commission reported in 2016 that the cost of mental ill-health in Australia equated to around $4,000 per person or $60 billion for the nation as a whole.

Analysis has also been done in relation to the cost of mental ill-health to employers. Mental Health Australia published a report finding mental ill-health in the workplace cost $12.8 billion in Australia in 2015-16. This equates to an average cost of $3,200 for each employee experiencing mental illness and up to $5,600 for those employees whose mental illness was considered severe.

Improved mental health and well-being can lead to better workplace outcomes; similarly, improved workplace outcomes can improve mental health and wellbeing.

Mental ill-health costs an average of $5,600 per full time employee with severe mental illness

Surprising Mental Health Costs

“more than six million working days are lost per year as a result of one mental illness alone – depression – and each worker whose depression is untreated costs their employer $9,660”

Cost of Ignoring Mental Health

“Presenteeism, where people are less productive in their role due to a mental health condition, is estimated to cost Australian business $6.1 billion a year.”

Investing In Mental Health Makes Financial Sense

  • 73% of people with workplace mental illness took five days or more off work.
  • 25% of the workforce suffer mild depression resulting in 50 hours of absenteeism per person per annum.
  • This increased to 138 hours off work for a further 8% who suffer moderate or severe depression.

How do invest?

  • Mental health sessions for employees for two hours a year = productivity, well being and better community outcomes
  • Addressing depression with reducing 50 hours to 42 hours or less with a basic hourly session every six months will build resilience in your business
  • 8% multiplied by the number of staff TIMES their hourly rate = $$$
  • Investment is key ahead of the mental health curve
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