
Who We Are

Help Now Group is a locally based organization set on delivering high quality, unmatched speed of service to people in need. The Help Now was founded in Canberra in 2016 and since is also a founding director of ACNC Sustainable Ethical Australia to further mental health support available for the community.

Our experience working in USA and Australia is coming across many mental health brokers, employee assistance services, not-for-profits set out to help; small to medium companies, communities, vulnerable people, that are not meeting community mental health needs now.

We boldly set out from 2016 to break the mould of traditional mental health delivery as we combine analytical and creative skills.  Our agility is able to assess quickly what needs to change.  We are unhindered by traditional ways of working and grow empowered individuals, charities, company, local association and more.

We communicate without fuss. We provide actionable, rational arguments for your ideas to flourish and the people around you.


Help Now Group principles are:

Nimble in solving problems by considering different viewpoints and not being locked into one way of thinking

Unassuming by our free spirit with concise communication and carefully considered ideas that work for you

Independent in our social license to operate and not confidence by following established methods like big nationals or lobby groups

Creative & calm with quiet, succinct solutions for community with massive impact

Our services profile:

On-Demand Employee Assistance By Locals, For Locals;

Corporate Health Strategies and Incident Debriefing,

Anger Management and Drugs & Alcohol Employee Assessments,

Community Fundraising,

Corporate Leadership Coaching,

Workplace E-Learning,

Trauma Counselling,

and ISO Sustainable Standards Development

Need more Information about HelpNow?

Contact Us directly at Phone: 02 5111 1031 or send us a message!

Physical Recovery Providers

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