Vicky Kapatos is a trained Teacher with the Department of Education NSW and a Professionally trained Counsellor and Psychotherapist She was also an accredited Crisis Telephone Counsellor with a well known organisation.
She is a Professional Member member of the Australian Counselling Association and Professional Counselling Association of the ACT & NSW. She is also a Board Member on the PCA and secretary of the PCA Hunter branch.
Vicky has had a varied and extensive career primarily in the corporate world.
Due to her own inner journey and experience she had a call to study counselling and psychotherapy in order to help heal others in their plight for meaning and purpose in their life, and in doing so help heal herself. Vicky uses primarily client centred therapy, gestalt, holistic counselling, combined with CBT techniques to help the client become more self – empowered and to challenge themselves by inner reflection. She passionately believes that each person has in them the innate drive for self – realisation and the ability to intergrate, transform and achieve their life’s purpose. . Vicky is qualified and experienced in the following modalities:-
Relationship Counselling (couple’s and individuals)
Meditation, Visualisation
Stress Management
Holistic Healing
Bach Flower Therapy
Workshops on Depression/Anxiety
Vicky has been trained by the Transcendental School of Stress Management in Sydney.
Her Psychotherapy/Counselling Advanced Diploma was obtained at Gracegrove College (Private College) in Newcastle and her degree at Sydney University.
She is passionate about this profession and attends Professional Development courses and reads a wide array of literature written by colleagues and experts in Counselling and Psychotherapy.
Physical Recovery Providers